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牢記使命砥砺前行十八載,不忘初心揚帆遠航再出發(fā)——天和防務軍民融合發(fā)展實踐與探索的啓示   從1978年到2018年,中國(guó)的改革開(kāi)放整整40年,風雷激蕩,萬象更新。改革開(kāi)放四十年,天和防務是參與者,更是受益者。作爲軍民融合示範企業,天和防務在改革開(kāi)放包容性的市場環境中,生存下來并活出精彩,見證了一個國(guó)家是如何與時(shí)俱進(jìn),生機勃發(fā),欣欣尚榮。  時(shí)光荏苒,“束發(fā)”之年,天和防務實現了由50萬注冊資金向(xiàng)
牢記使命砥砺前行十八載,不忘初心揚帆遠航再出發(fā)——天和防務軍民融合發(fā)展實踐與探索的啓示   從1978年到2018年,中國(guó)的改革開(kāi)放整整40年,風雷激蕩,萬象更新。改革開(kāi)放四十年,天和防務是參與者,更是受益者。作爲軍民融合示範企業,天和防務在改革開(kāi)放包容性的市場環境中,生存下來并活出精彩,見證了一個國(guó)家是如何與時(shí)俱進(jìn),生機勃發(fā),欣欣尚榮。  時(shí)光荏苒,“束發(fā)”之年,天和防務實現了由50萬注冊資金向(xiàng)
CCTV, CNR and other media have called the exhibition area in succession. Let's have a good time!
CCTV, CNR and other media have called the exhibition area in succession. Let's have a good time!
In the golden autumn,China air show was held as promised,and Tianhe defense once again showed its domineering presence.The exhibition company had more than 50 products participated in the exhibition,including more than 10 large-scale solid attire,which was the most in terms of exhibition scale,number of exhibits,categories of exhibits,and real attire of the exhibition.All-round and three-dimensional display of all kinds of"high-rise"equipment launched by the company in line with the development trend of civil military integration Xinhua news agency,CCTV,CNR and other media have also called for it
In the golden autumn,China air show was held as promised,and Tianhe defense once again showed its domineering presence.The exhibition company had more than 50 products participated in the exhibition,including more than 10 large-scale solid attire,which was the most in terms of exhibition scale,number of exhibits,categories of exhibits,and real attire of the exhibition.All-round and three-dimensional display of all kinds of"high-rise"equipment launched by the company in line with the development trend of civil military integration Xinhua news agency,CCTV,CNR and other media have also called for it
General branch of Tianhe defense party held the party day activity with the theme of "pursuing red memory and remembering Tianhe mission"
General branch of Tianhe defense party held the party day activity with the theme of
Don't forget to follow the party and bear in mind the mission.In order to commemorate the 98th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China,Tianhe defense party general branch held the party day activity with the theme of"pursuing red memory,remembering heaven and mission".Zhang faqun,executive vice general manager of the company,and Wang Huzhu,Secretary of the general Party branch attended the activity and delivered a speech
Don't forget to follow the party and bear in mind the mission.In order to commemorate the 98th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China,Tianhe defense party general branch held the party day activity with the theme of"pursuing red memory,remembering heaven and mission".Zhang faqun,executive vice general manager of the company,and Wang Huzhu,Secretary of the general Party branch attended the activity and delivered a speech
Security inspection and imaging group meeting of millimeter wave terahertz industry development alliance held in our company
Security inspection and imaging group meeting of millimeter wave terahertz industry development alliance held in our company
On August 2,the second meeting of security inspection and imaging group of millimeter wave terahertz industry development alliance was held in longchong,our company.
At the opening ceremony,Zhang faqun,executive deputy general manager,and Liu Xiaoyong,chief engineer of the national radio monitoring center,delivered speeches respectively.Hu Weidong,Professor of Beijing University of technology,was elected as the leader of the security imaging team and presided over the meeting
On August 2,the second meeting of security inspection and imaging group of millimeter wave terahertz industry development alliance was held in longchong,our company.
At the opening ceremony,Zhang faqun,executive deputy general manager,and Liu Xiaoyong,chief engineer of the national radio monitoring center,delivered speeches respectively.Hu Weidong,Professor of Beijing University of technology,was elected as the leader of the security imaging team and presided over the meeting
National Security Office of Shaanxi provincial Party committee and military civilian integration office of Shaanxi Province
National Security Office of Shaanxi provincial Party committee and military civilian integration office of Shaanxi Province
According to the general requirements of the theme education of"never forget your original mind and keep your mission in mind",on August 5,the office of the National Security Committee of Shaanxi provincial Party committee and the office of the military civilian integration development committee of Shaanxi provincial Party committee came to our company for joint investigation.Meng Jun,deputy secretary-general of Shaanxi Provincial Committee and full-time deputy director of the State Security Office of Shaanxi Provincial Committee
According to the general requirements of the theme education of"never forget your original mind and keep your mission in mind",on August 5,the office of the National Security Committee of Shaanxi provincial Party committee and the office of the military civilian integration development committee of Shaanxi provincial Party committee came to our company for joint investigation.Meng Jun,deputy secretary-general of Shaanxi Provincial Committee and full-time deputy director of the State Security Office of Shaanxi Provincial Committee
Wang Dehai, director of national defense mobilization center of provincial military region, visited the company
Wang Dehai, director of national defense mobilization center of provincial military region, visited the company
On August 27,Wang Dehai,director of national defense mobilization center of Shaanxi military region and his delegation visited the company for investigation.Vice general manager Wang Huzhu introduced the latest progress of major projects of the company,vice general manager Duan Yong introduced the construction progress of digital Chengmai project,and President Liu Bo made a special report on a project
On August 27,Wang Dehai,director of national defense mobilization center of Shaanxi military region and his delegation visited the company for investigation.Vice general manager Wang Huzhu introduced the latest progress of major projects of the company,vice general manager Duan Yong introduced the construction progress of digital Chengmai project,and President Liu Bo made a special report on a project
He Zenglin attends the investment cooperation conference of Hainan free trade zone (Hong Kong) Industrial Park in 2019
He Zenglin attends the investment cooperation conference of Hainan free trade zone (Hong Kong) Industrial Park in 2019
The 2019 investment cooperation conference of Hainan free trade zone(port)Industrial Park was held in Haikou from August 31 to September 3.At the invitation of the people's Government of Hainan Province,he Zenglin,chairman of the board of directors,attended the conference,was cordially met by Liu Cigui,Secretary of the CPC Hainan Provincial Committee,Shen Xiaoming,governor of Hainan Province,and participated in the investment promotion meeting,investment investigation and other activities of major projects in Hainan Province
The 2019 investment cooperation conference of Hainan free trade zone(port)Industrial Park was held in Haikou from August 31 to September 3.At the invitation of the people's Government of Hainan Province,he Zenglin,chairman of the board of directors,attended the conference,was cordially met by Liu Cigui,Secretary of the CPC Hainan Provincial Committee,Shen Xiaoming,governor of Hainan Province,and participated in the investment promotion meeting,investment investigation and other activities of major projects in Hainan Province
Tianhe defense, shining in 2019 Xi'an e-commerce Expo
Tianhe defense, shining in 2019 Xi'an e-commerce Expo
From September 9 to 11,the 2019 Eurasian Economic Forum China(Xi'an)e-commerce Expo hosted by Xi'an Municipal People's government was held in Xi'an Qujiang International Convention and Exhibition Center.Our company launched a series of new products and smart industry solutions,which ignited the whole Expo.Government leaders,domestic and foreign guests,domestic and foreign counterparts,all kinds of media have visited Tianhe exhibition area
From September 9 to 11,the 2019 Eurasian Economic Forum China(Xi'an)e-commerce Expo hosted by Xi'an Municipal People's government was held in Xi'an Qujiang International Convention and Exhibition Center.Our company launched a series of new products and smart industry solutions,which ignited the whole Expo.Government leaders,domestic and foreign guests,domestic and foreign counterparts,all kinds of media have visited Tianhe exhibition area
Pan Aihua, director of the third Department of system engineering of the State Administration of science, technology and industry of national defense, visited our company for investigation
Pan Aihua, director of the third Department of system engineering of the State Administration of science, technology and industry of national defense, visited our company for investigation
On September 21,pan Aihua,director of the third Department of system engineering of the State Administration of science and technology of national defense,and Chang Yan,deputy investigator,visited Tianhe for defense research.LAN Jianwen,deputy secretary-general of the people's Government of Shaanxi Province,Cheng Zhiqi,deputy director of the military civilian integration Office of the Shaanxi Provincial Committee,and he zengling,chairman of Tianhe defense,accompanied them in reception
On September 21,pan Aihua,director of the third Department of system engineering of the State Administration of science and technology of national defense,and Chang Yan,deputy investigator,visited Tianhe for defense research.LAN Jianwen,deputy secretary-general of the people's Government of Shaanxi Province,Cheng Zhiqi,deputy director of the military civilian integration Office of the Shaanxi Provincial Committee,and he zengling,chairman of Tianhe defense,accompanied them in reception
Security inspection and imaging group meeting of millimeter wave terahertz industry development alliance held in our company
Security inspection and imaging group meeting of millimeter wave terahertz industry development alliance held in our company
On August 2,the second meeting of security inspection and imaging group of millimeter wave terahertz industry development alliance was held in longchong,our company.
At the opening ceremony,Zhang faqun,executive deputy general manager,and Liu Xiaoyong,chief engineer of the national radio monitoring center,delivered speeches respectively
On August 2,the second meeting of security inspection and imaging group of millimeter wave terahertz industry development alliance was held in longchong,our company.
At the opening ceremony,Zhang faqun,executive deputy general manager,and Liu Xiaoyong,chief engineer of the national radio monitoring center,delivered speeches respectively
Exploring the ocean, perceiving the ocean, managing the ocean
Exploring the ocean, perceiving the ocean, managing the ocean
In early summer,Qinling is a beautiful place,which is most suitable for climbing high and looking far.On May 25,Tianhe Haiphong Co.,Ltd.specially arranged a group construction activity of"exploring the ocean and perceiving the ocean experience ocean"in wangshunshan,where everyone spared no effort,encouraged each other to help each other,and finally successfully climbed the summit.
In early summer,Qinling is a beautiful place,which is most suitable for climbing high and looking far.On May 25,Tianhe Haiphong Co.,Ltd.specially arranged a group construction activity of"exploring the ocean and perceiving the ocean experience ocean"in wangshunshan,where everyone spared no effort,encouraged each other to help each other,and finally successfully climbed the summit.
Ericsson leaders visited Huayang communication
Ericsson leaders visited Huayang communication
On April 22,Xi'an Huayang communication welcomed the visit of SQE Vitali vassiljuk,a wireless product of Ericsson's asanatarin factory.Xiong Fei,Wang Yang and other leaders of the company accompanied the tour
On April 22,Xi'an Huayang communication welcomed the visit of SQE Vitali vassiljuk,a wireless product of Ericsson's asanatarin factory.Xiong Fei,Wang Yang and other leaders of the company accompanied the tour
Liu Guoqiang, vice president of the people's Bank of China and his delegation visited great wall digital research
Liu Guoqiang, vice president of the people's Bank of China and his delegation visited great wall digital research
On April 10,Liu Guoqiang,vice president of the people's Bank of China,visited Tianhe defense subsidiary Xi'an Great Wall Digital Software Co.,Ltd.to investigate the financing problems of small and micro enterprises,accompanied by Li Xiaojun,vice president of Xi'an Branch of the people's Bank of China,Tong Qiang,general manager of Great Wall digital,etc
On April 10,Liu Guoqiang,vice president of the people's Bank of China,visited Tianhe defense subsidiary Xi'an Great Wall Digital Software Co.,Ltd.to investigate the financing problems of small and micro enterprises,accompanied by Li Xiaojun,vice president of Xi'an Branch of the people's Bank of China,Tong Qiang,general manager of Great Wall digital,etc
Leaders of CSIC 710 Institute visited Tianhe coastal defense
Leaders of CSIC 710 Institute visited Tianhe coastal defense
On March 29,a delegation led by Jing Feng,deputy director of 710 Institute of CSIC,visited Tianhe Haiphong company for investigation,accompanied by Han Xiang and Chen Jianfeng,leaders of the company
On March 29,a delegation led by Jing Feng,deputy director of 710 Institute of CSIC,visited Tianhe Haiphong company for investigation,accompanied by Han Xiang and Chen Jianfeng,leaders of the company
Dingsheng electronic won the A-level enterprise credit rating certificate
Dingsheng electronic won the A-level enterprise credit rating certificate
Last December,Dingsheng electronics and Xi'an high tech Yuda Financial Information Service Co.,Ltd.(hereinafter referred to as"Yuda financial service")launched an enterprise credit rating evaluation activity.Recently,Yuda financial services released the evaluation results.Dingsheng electronic was reviewed by the evaluation agency and approved by the evaluation expert group,and finally obtained the enterprise's comprehensive credit rating of"a"
Last December,Dingsheng electronics and Xi'an high tech Yuda Financial Information Service Co.,Ltd.(hereinafter referred to as"Yuda financial service")launched an enterprise credit rating evaluation activity.Recently,Yuda financial services released the evaluation results.Dingsheng electronic was reviewed by the evaluation agency and approved by the evaluation expert group,and finally obtained the enterprise's comprehensive credit rating of"a"
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